1. Introduction
2. Berggren basis and completeness relations
Figure 1. Representation of the complex k-plane, showing the positions of bound states, well bound or of halo character (empty disks) and resonances, narrow or broad (grey filled disks). L+ is the contour representing the non-resonant continuum. The Berggren completeness relation involves the bound states, resonance states lying between L+ and the real k-axis, and the scattering states on L+ (from [35]). |
3. Numerical implementation of the Gamow shell model
3.1. Calculation of two-body matrix elements with the Berggren basis
Table 1. Convergence of the real and imaginary parts of energies (E) of the |
| | | | | | ||
| E | E | E | E | E | Re[E] | Im[E] |
4 | −12.225 | −8.438 | −12.1398 | −10.0488 | −11.0641 | −1.4373 | −0.8275 |
6 | −12.226 | −8.498 | −12.1465 | −10.0830 | −11.0907 | −1.4292 | −0.7600 |
8 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1452 | −10.0853 | −11.0922 | −1.4380 | −0.7405 |
10 | −12.229 | −8.499 | −12.1450 | −10.0857 | −11.0921 | −1.4400 | −0.7390 |
12 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1453 | −10.0858 | −11.0923 | −1.4393 | −0.7401 |
14 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1453 | −10.0858 | −11.0923 | −1.4394 | −0.7401 |
16 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1453 | −10.0858 | −11.0923 | −1.4394 | −0.7401 |
18 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1453 | −10.0858 | −11.0923 | −1.4394 | −0.7401 |
20 | −12.228 | −8.499 | −12.1453 | −10.0858 | −11.0923 | −1.4394 | −0.7401 |
3.2. Determination of eigenvalues in Gamow shell model: the overlap method.
• | The Hamiltonian matrix is diagonalized at pole approximation level, i.e. with a basis of Slater determinants where only resonant one-body states are occupied. One then obtains the |
• | The full Hamiltonian matrix is diagonalized, i.e. with a basis of Slater determinants generated by the complete Berggren basis, with both resonant and scattering one-body states. The sought GSM eigenstate |
3.3. Natural orbitals
3.4. Diagonalization of very large Gamow shell model matrices with the density matrix renormalization group approach
Figure 2. Simplified illustration of the DMRG method. The {kA} states come from the A reference space and the αB states belong to the B space. The shell (lj)s is added to the B space, which generates the new basis states {kA ⨂ {αB ⨂ (lj)s}}J (from [35]). |
Figure 3. Convergence of the real and imaginary parts of the energy of |
4. No-core Gamow shell model
4.1. Hamiltonian and interaction
4.2. Center of mass treatment
5. Ab initio description of the 5He resonance nucleus
5.1. 5He resonance properties
Figure 4. Convergence of the real and imaginary parts (upper and lower parts, respectively) of 5He ground state energy, calculated with the density matrix renormalization group, is shown as a function of the number of iterations, also called sweeps. Experimental data are also provided [48] (from [12]). |
Table 2. The DMRG results for the energy and width of the 5He ground state obtained in NCGSM are compared to experimental data, determined from several R-matrix procedures. Shown energies are provided with respect to the α + n decay threshold (adapted from [12]). |
5.2. Radial overlap integral and asymptotic normalization coefficient
Figure 5. The radial overlap integral for 4He |
Table 3. NCGSM results calculations of the one-neutron separation energy S1n and spectroscopic amplitude |
Λ fm−1 | S1n (MeV) | |
2.1 | −2.15 | 0.812 |
1.9 | −1.56 | 0.787 |
1.5 | −1.38 | 0.774 |
6. A = 3,4 unbound nuclei
6.1. Trineutron and tetraneutron in the auxiliary potential method
Figure 6. Energies and widths of the trineutron and tetraneutron systems as a function of the depth of the auxiliary Woods–Saxon potential. For tetraneutron calculations, NCGSM spaces with three particles at most in the non-resonant continuum, and without model space truncation, have been considered. Berggren or natural orbital (n.o.) bases have been used, while ‘small' or ‘large' denotes a model space where the number of basis shells has been reduced or not (see text for details). Tetraneutron width was decreased by a factor 3 for readability. Trineutron results are always obtained without model space truncation. The experimental data for tetraneutron (see [62]) are also shown (adapted from [68]). |
6.2. A = 4 unbound isospin multiplet
Figure 7. Unbound 2− states of T = 1 isospin multiplet of the A = 4 nuclei, calculated using NCGSM and the N3LO-SRG2.0 interaction. Experimental data come from [71, 90]. Dotted lines connect the T = 1 isobaric triplet states of A = 4 nuclei to guide the eye, while the obtained energies for A = 3 are also given for comparison. The experimental energy of the T = 1 Jπ = 2− state in 4He is deduced from the R-matrix analysis in [71] (from [45]). |
7. Renormalization of realistic interactions in a finite model space using $\hat{\bar{Q}}$ -box method
Figure 8. Ground-state and one-neutron separation energies of oxygen isotopes (upper panel) and fluorine isotopes (lower panel) compared with experimental data [90] (The extrapolated values issued from AME2016 are used for 27,28O and 30,31F). For other calculations, one also depicts results obtained with the coupled-cluster approach with continuum (CC) [85], GSM (GSM) [91], valence-space IMSRG (VM-IMSRG) [84], shell model with two-nucleon forces and three-nucleon forces (SM NN+3NF) [80], shell model with the USDB interaction (SM USDB) [83] and shell model with the SDPF-M interaction (SM SDPF-M) [92] (from [13]). |