1. Introduction
2. N-soliton solutions
3. M-lump solutions
3.1. 1-lump solutions
Figure 1. 1-lump solution ( |
3.2. 2-lump solutions
Figure 2. 2-lump solution with ${\rho }_{3}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{2}{3}-3{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, at (a) t = −15; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 15; (d) shows two lump waves travel along the lines $y=-\tfrac{49}{24}(x-\tfrac{\sqrt{13}}{3})$ (purple) and $y=-\tfrac{47}{6}(x-\tfrac{\sqrt{170}}{9})$ (blue). |
3.3. 3-lump solutions
Figure 3. 3-lump solution with ${\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{2}{3}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{5}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{6}={\rho }_{3}^{* }=\tfrac{2}{3}-{\rm{i}}$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, at (a) t = −20; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 20; (d) shows three lump waves travel along the line $y=-\tfrac{49}{24}(x-\tfrac{\sqrt{13}}{3})$ (black), $y=-\tfrac{11}{6}(x-\tfrac{\sqrt{26}}{3})$ (orange), and $y=-\tfrac{61}{48}(x-\tfrac{5\sqrt{2}}{3})$ (blue–green). |
4. Hybrid solutions between lumps and solitons
4.1. A hybrid solution between 1-lump and 1-soliton
Figure 4. Hybrid solution between 1-lump and 1-soliton with ${\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }$ = $\tfrac{1}{2}-{\rm{i}}$, h3 = 1, ${\rho }_{3}=-\tfrac{1}{2}$, ${\chi }_{3}^{0}=0$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, at (a) t = −10; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 10. |
4.2. A hybrid solution between 1-lump and 2-solitons
Figure 5. Hybrid solution between 1-lump and 2-solitons with ${\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{5}-i$, ${h}_{3}=1,{\rho }_{3}=-\tfrac{1}{2},{h}_{4}=1$, ${\rho }_{4}=-\tfrac{1}{2}$, ${\chi }_{3}^{0}=-20$, ${\chi }_{4}^{0}=20$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, at (a) t = −10; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 10. |
4.3. A hybrid solution between 2-lumps and 1-soliton
Figure 6. Hybrid solution between 2-lumps and 1-soliton with ${\rho }_{3}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-\tfrac{4}{3}{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{20}-\tfrac{4}{3}{\rm{i}},{h}_{5}=\tfrac{3}{4},{\rho }_{5}=-\tfrac{5}{4},{\chi }_{5}^{0}=0$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, at (a) t = −20; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 20. |
5. T-order breather solutions
5.1. 1st-order breather solution
1. | (1) When both hi and ρi are pure imaginary numbers, which means a = 0 and c = 0, the 1st-order breather solution presents periodic on the x-axis and fixed on the y-axis, as shown in figure 7(a). |
2. | (2) When hi is a pure real number and ρi is a pure imaginary number, which means b = 0 and c = 0, the 1st-order breather solution presents periodic on the y-axis and fixed on the x-axis, as shown in figure 7(b). |
3. | (3) When both hi and ρi are complex numbers, which means a, b, c, d ≠ 0, the 1st-order breather solution parallel to the line ax + (ac − bd)y = 0, see figure 7(c). |
Figure 7. Three types of first-order breather solutions at t = 0 with ${\chi }_{2}^{0}={\left({\chi }_{1}^{0}\right)}^{* }=0$, δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, (a) ${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=-3{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-{\rm{i}};$ (b) ${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=1,{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-2{\rm{i}};$ (c) ${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-{\rm{i}},{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{2}{5}-{\rm{i}}$. |
5.2. 2nd-order breather solution
Figure 8. 2nd-order breather solution with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, ${h}_{3}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}+\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{3}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-\tfrac{2}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{4}={h}_{2}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=-\tfrac{2}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}={\chi }_{4}^{0}=0$ at (a) t = −10; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 10. |
5.3. 3rd-order breather solution
Figure 9. 3rd-order breather solution with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, ${h}_{4}={h}_{1}^{* }=1-\tfrac{4}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-\tfrac{3}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{5}={h}_{2}^{* }=1+\tfrac{5}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{5}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=-\tfrac{6}{5}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{6}={h}_{3}^{* }=1$, ${\rho }_{6}={\rho }_{3}^{* }$ = $-\tfrac{3}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${\chi }_{1}^{0}$ = ${\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}$ = ${\chi }_{4}^{0}={\chi }_{5}^{0}$ = ${\chi }_{6}^{0}=0$ at (a) t = −5; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 5. |
6. Hybrid solutions between breathers and solitons
6.1. A hybrid solution between 1-breather and 1-soliton
Figure 10. Hybrid solution between 1-breather and 1-soliton with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, (a)${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{3}=-1,{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-\tfrac{2}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{3}=-1,{\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}=0,t=-5;$ (b)${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{3}+\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{3}=-1,{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=-\tfrac{2}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ρ3 = −1, ${\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}=0,t=0;$ (c)${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{6}-\tfrac{2}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{3}=-1,{\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{2}{5}-{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{3}=-1,{\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}=0,t=0$. |
6.2. A hybrid solution between 1-breather and 2-solitons
Figure 11. Hybrid solution between 1-breather and 2-solitons with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, ${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{4}-\tfrac{1}{3}{\rm{i}}$, h3 = 1, h4 = −1, ${\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{10}-\tfrac{4}{3}{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{3}=-\tfrac{1}{5}$, ${\rho }_{4}=1,{\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}=0$, at (a) t = −3; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 3. |
6.3. A hybrid solution between 2-breathers and 1-soliton
Figure 12. Hybrid solution between 2-breathers and 1-soliton with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, ${h}_{3}={h}_{1}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{2}-\tfrac{1}{2}{\rm{i}}$, ${h}_{4}={h}_{2}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{2}+\tfrac{1}{6}{\rm{i}}$, h5 = −2, ${\rho }_{3}={\rho }_{1}^{* }={\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{2}^{* }=-{\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{5}=-\tfrac{1}{3}$, ${\chi }_{1}^{0}={\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{3}^{0}={\chi }_{4}^{0}={\chi }_{5}^{0}=0$, at (a) t = −3; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 3. |
7. Hybrid solutions between lumps and breathers
7.1. A hybrid solution between 1-breather and 1-lump
Figure 13. Hybrid solution between 1-breather and 1-lump with δ1 = 1, δ2 = −1, ${h}_{2}={h}_{1}^{* }=1$, ${\rho }_{2}={\rho }_{1}^{* }={\rm{i}}$, ${\rho }_{4}={\rho }_{3}^{* }=\tfrac{1}{10}-{\rm{i}}$, ${\chi }_{2}^{0}={\chi }_{1}^{0}=0$, at (a) t = −10; (b) t = 0; (c) t = 10. |