In this section, we present our computed results of the charm and beauty distribution function using the linear and nonlinear gluon distribution function with respect to the parametrization method due to the number of active flavors. In this analysis, according to [
19] we used the QCD parameter Λ has been extracted with ${\alpha }_{s}({M}_{z}^{2})=0.118$ at the
Z-bosson mass, which corresponds to the number of active flavors at the LO approximation as Λ(
nf = 4) = 120.4 MeV and Λ(
nf = 5) = 87.8 MeV. In figures
1 and
2, we have presented the results of the solution of the GLR-MQ-ZRS equation for low
x behavior of the gluon distribution function in the parametrization method for
nf = 4 and
nf = 5 for heavy quarks of charm and bottom, respectively. We performed calculations in the kinematic region 5 ≤
Q2 < 100 GeV
2 and 10
−5 ≤
x ≤ 10
−2. As the results show, we observe that with the decrease of
x as well as the increase of
Q2, the gluon distribution function increases. Also it can be observed that the behavior of the nonlinear gluon distribution function is reduced compared to the behavior of its linear. Indeed, by decreasing
x, the rapid growth of the gluon distribution function is tamed by gluon recombination effects. In these figures, the nonlinear effects are considered at the hot-spot point (
R = 2 GeV
−1). We compared our computed results of the linear and nonlinear gluon distribution with respect to the parametrization method with PDFs of groups such as NNPDF3.0 [
21], CT14 [
22] and GRV92 [
23] (also, one can see [
27]). Also, in figure
1, the ratio of the NNPDF3.0 and CT14 data to the linear and nonlinear gluon distribution functions is shown. Figures
3 and
4 represent the ratio of the charm and bottom distribution functions to the linear and nonlinear gluon density as a function of the factorization scale
μ on a logarithmic scale, for various fixed values of low
x. For these figures, we considered the kinematic region 5 ≤
Q2 ≤ 1200 GeV
2 according to the kinematic range of parametrization of the gluon distribution function obtained from the HERA data in [
19]. As can be observed, these curves are independent of the gluon distribution function types (i.e. linear or nonlinear) on a logarithmic scale and are linear and approximately equivalent. Also, the slope of the curves saturates at about 0.5 at very small
x (
x ≤ 10
−4). These results are in good agreement with respect to figures in [
18]. Figures
5 and
6 represent the
Q2 evolution of the ratio of the charm and bottom distribution functions to the linear and nonlinear gluon density with respect to the active flavor number, respectively. In figure
7, we present the ratio of the charm distribution function to the bottom distribution function as a function of
Q2. As, we observe that by decreasing
x and
Q2, the nonlinear effects increase and by increasing
Q2, these effects are negligible. Also, in high
Q2 because of the increase in energy and active flavor number, the possibility of splitting gluons to the heavier quark (i.e. bottom) increases, and thus ratio distribution function of charm to bottom decreases. Also, we can see the results of nonlinear corrections to this ratio based on the GLR-MQ-ZRS evolution equation and applying the parametrization method of the gluon distribution function with respect to a number of active flavors are in good agreement with results obtained of the gluon distribution function of the GRV92.