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An improved effective liquid drop model for cluster radioactivity

  • JianPo Cui(崔建坡) 1, 2, 3 ,
  • FengZhu Xing(邢凤竹) 1, 2, 3 ,
  • YongHao Gao(高永浩) 1, 2, 3 ,
  • LiQian Qi(齐立倩) 1, 2, 3 ,
  • YanZhao Wang(王艳召) , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ,
  • JianZhong Gu(顾建中) , 5,
  • 1Department of Mathematics and Physics, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China
  • 2Institute of Applied Physics, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China
  • 3Hebei Research Center of the Basic Discipline Engineering Mechanics, Shijiazhuang Tiedao University, Shijiazhuang 050043, China
  • 4Hebei Key Laboratory of Physics and Energy Technology, North China Electric Power University, Baoding 071000, China
  • 5 China Institute of Atomic Energy, P. O. Box 275 (10), Beijing 102413, China

Authors to whom any correspondence should be addressed.

Received date: 2023-09-05

  Revised date: 2023-12-20

  Accepted date: 2024-01-29

  Online published: 2024-03-06


© 2024 Institute of Theoretical Physics CAS, Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing


The effective liquid drop model (ELDM) is improved by introducing an accurate nuclear charge radius formula and an analytic expression for assaulting frequency. Within the improved effective liquid drop model (IMELDM), the experimental cluster radioactivity half-lives of the trans-lead region are calculated. It is shown that the accuracy of the IMELDM is improved compared with that of the ELDM. At last, the cluster radioactivity half-lives that are experimentally unavailable for the trans-lead nuclei are predicted by the IMELDM. These predictions may be useful for searching for new candidates for cluster radioactivity in future experiments.

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JianPo Cui(崔建坡) , FengZhu Xing(邢凤竹) , YongHao Gao(高永浩) , LiQian Qi(齐立倩) , YanZhao Wang(王艳召) , JianZhong Gu(顾建中) . An improved effective liquid drop model for cluster radioactivity[J]. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2024 , 76(3) : 035301 . DOI: 10.1088/1572-9494/ad2367

1. Introduction

Cluster radioactivity is an exotic decay mode observed in actinide nuclei, where the clusters emitted from the parent nuclei are heavier than α-particle and lighter than spontaneous fission fragments. So, the cluster radioactivity is also called heavy-ion radioactivity. It was first predicted by Sandulescu, Poenaru, and Greiner in 1980 [1]. Four years later, cluster radioactivity was first observed experimentally through 14C emitted from 223Ra. Furthermore, its decimal logarithm value of the half-life was measured as 15.20 s [2]. Since then, various emitted clusters have been observed, such as 20O, 22,24−26Ne, 28,30Mg, and 32,34Si [3-7]. These clusters are emitted from the actinide nuclei ranging from 221Fr to 242Cm, while the remaining residue is the double magic nucleus 208Pb or its neighborhoods [3-7]. It implies that the nuclear shell effect plays a crucial role in the cluster radioactivity of the heavy nuclei.
Nowadays, various theoretical models have been developed to study the cluster radioactivity [8-34]. Generally, these models are divided into the following two categories. One is the fission-like model, which means the nucleus deforms continuously as it penetrates the nuclear barrier and reaches the scission configuration after running down the Coulomb barrier [8-24]. The other one refers to the preformed cluster model. It assumes that clusters have been formed in the parent nucleus before tunneling the barrier [25-34]. In addition, some semi-empirical formulas or relationships have been proposed to calculate the half-lives of the cluster radioactivity [35-43]. The experimental half-lives of the cluster radioactivity are reproduced more or less satisfactorily by the models and the semi-empirical formulas or relationships [8-43].
Among the models, the ELDM is a successful phenomenological model for describing the cluster radioactivity [15]. In the framework of the ELDM, the cluster radioactivity is assumed as a super-asymmetric fission process [15, 44-46]. Besides the cluster radioactivity, one-proton emission, two-proton radioactivity, α-decay and cold fission can be described in a unified framework of the ELDM [15, 44-52]. In order to evaluate the half-lives of different radioactivity, the Gamow penetrability factor is obtained by considering the pre-scission phase of the two intersecting spherical fragments in the effective one-dimensional potential barrier based on four kinds of combinations of the mass transfer descriptions and the inertia coefficients. Therefore, the experimental half-lives of various radioactivity could be reproduced well [15, 44-52].
However, for each combination of any type of radioactivity, only two constants (the nuclear charge radius parameter r0 and the assaulting frequency ν0) are adjusted to obtain the agreement with the experimental half-lives [15, 44-52]. As a result, the predictive power of the ELDM is not so strong, owing to the following two reasons: (i) Since the half-life of the charged-particle radioactivity is sensitive to the nuclear charge radius [53-57] a minor change will result in a large deviation of the decay half-life. So, a more accurate charge radius expression should be introduced into the ELDM instead of a simple empirical charge radius formula (R = r0A1/3). (ii) The assaulting frequency ν0 should not be a constant, which may be correlated to the nuclear structure [57, 58]. Thus, the assaulting frequency including the nuclear structure should be introduced into the ELDM. In our previous work, the ELDM was improved by introducing an accurate nuclear charge radius formula and an analytic expression for ν0 [59]. It was shown that the accuracy of the IMELDM was improved evidently compared with its predecessor [59]. So, in this work, we will extend the IMELDM to study the cluster radioactivity of the heavy nuclei whose daughter nuclei are around 208Pb. This constitutes the motivation of this article.
This article is organized as follows. In section 2, the framework of the IMELDM is presented. The corresponding results and discussions are made in section 3. In the last section, some conclusions are drawn.


In the framework of the ELDM, the decaying nucleus is considered as two spherical molecular shape fragments of different radii in contact [15, 44-52], which is shown in figure 1.
Figure 1. Schematic representation of the dinuclear decaying system. R1 and R2 show the radii of the emitted cluster and the daughter nucleus, respectively. ζ is the distance between their geometric centers. The variable ξ represents the distance between the plane of the intersection and the center of the daughter nucleus.
During the nuclear decaying process, four independent coordinates (R1, R2, ζ and ξ) are used to describe the dinuclear system. Then, three constraints are introduced to reduce the spherical four-dimensional problem to an equivalent one-dimensional case.
The first one,
$\begin{eqnarray}{R}_{1}^{2}-{\left(\zeta -\xi \right)}^{2}={R}_{2}^{2}-{\xi }^{2},\end{eqnarray}$
keeps a circular shape for the neck connecting the nascent fragments.
The second one,
$\begin{eqnarray}\begin{array}{l}2({R}_{1}^{3}+{R}_{2}^{3})+3\left[{R}_{1}^{2}\left(\zeta -\xi \right)+{R}_{2}^{2}\xi \right]\\ -\left[{\left(\zeta -\xi \right)}^{3}+{\xi }^{3}\right]\\ \,=4{R}^{3},\end{array}\end{eqnarray}$
denotes the incompressibility of the nuclear flow, where R is the radius of the parent nucleus.
The last constraint is related with the mass transfer descriptions chosen to treat the process. In the case of the varying mass asymmetry shape (VMAS), the radius of the lighter fragment is fixed as
where ${\overline{R}}_{1}$ is the final radius of the lighter fragment. In the other case of the constant mass asymmetry shape (CMAS), the volume of both fragments is kept as a constant. For the lighter fragment, volume conservation gives
$\begin{eqnarray}2{R}_{1}^{3}+3{R}_{1}^{2}{(\zeta -\xi )-(\zeta -\xi )}^{3}-4{\overline{R}}_{1}^{3}=0.\end{eqnarray}$
Thus, the nuclear decay is conveniently simplified as the effective one-dimensional potential barrier penetrability problem. In order to evaluate the half-life of a given parent nucleus, the Gamow penetrability probability is calculated by
$\begin{eqnarray}P=\exp \left[-\displaystyle \frac{2}{{\hslash }}{\int }_{{\zeta }_{0}}^{{\zeta }_{c}}\sqrt{2\mu \left[V(\zeta )-{Q}_{c}\right]}{\rm{d}}\zeta \right].\end{eqnarray}$
Here, the limits ζ0 and ζc of the integral are the inner and outer turning points, respectively. μ is the inertia coefficient. V (ζ) is the one-dimensional total potential energy and given as
$\begin{eqnarray}V(\zeta )={V}_{{\rm{C}}}(\zeta )+{V}_{{\rm{S}}}(\zeta )+{V}_{l}(\zeta ),\end{eqnarray}$
where VC(ζ), VS(ζ) and Vl(ζ) represent the Coulomb energy, effective surface energy and centrifugal potential energy, respectively. The analytic expression and details of them can be seen from [15, 44, 46]. Qc denotes the decay energy and is calculated by the following relation: Qc = M(Z, N) − Md(ZZc, NNc) − M(Zc, Nc), where M(Z, N), Md(ZZc, NNc) and M(Zc, Nc) represent the mass excesses of the parent nucleus, daughter nucleus and emitted cluster, respectively. In the ELDM, two approximations are used to calculate the inertia coefficients of the dynamical evolution of the separating dinuclear system. The two types of inertia coefficients are the Werner-Wheeler's inertia coefficient (WW) and the Effective inertia coefficient (Eff). Combining two mass transfer descriptions and two inertial coefficients, the following four kinds of descriptions: (VMAS, WW), (VMAS, Eff), (CMAS, WW), and (CMAS, Eff) are contained naturally in the ELDM. For each description, the radius parameter r0 together with ν0 are determined to be constants by fitting the experimental data. The values of these parameters can be seen in table A of [46].
The charge radius of the parent nucleus is obtained by
where A is the mass number of the parent nucleus.
For the half-life of the cluster radioactivity, it is calculated by
$\begin{eqnarray}{T}_{1/2}=\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{ln}2}{{\nu }_{0}P}.\end{eqnarray}$
However, the parent nuclear radius by equation (7) is not accurate enough, which has been tested by relevant studies [54]. Meanwhile, ν0 is correlated to the structure of the nuclei and should not be a constant. Therefore, a more accurate formula for R and a more reasonable ν0 are necessary to be introduced into the ELDM.
In the next paragraphs, we will describe the details of the IMELDM. Firstly, equation (7) is replaced by a five-parameter formula to estimate more accurate R values [54]
$\begin{eqnarray}R={r}_{0}\left(1-a\displaystyle \frac{N-Z}{A}+b\displaystyle \frac{1}{A}+c\displaystyle \frac{K}{A}+d\displaystyle \frac{\delta }{A}\right){A}^{1/3},\end{eqnarray}$
where K and δ represent the Casten factor and the odd-even staggering factor, respectively. The parameters r0, a, b, c and d can be found from table 1 of [54].
Table 1. Fitting parameters of equation (13).
Combinations Even-even (n = 11) Odd-A (n = 9)
${a}^{{\prime} }$ ${b}^{{\prime} }$ ${c}^{{\prime} }$ ${d}^{{\prime} }$ ${a}^{{\prime} }$ ${b}^{{\prime} }$ ${c}^{{\prime} }$ ${d}^{{\prime} }$
VMAS, WW −2425.3932 13.3622 2.3789 −172.4131 3361.8992 7.9036 −7.7885 236.1250
VMAS, Eff −2649.7264 3.0173 −0.9225 −188.8816 2226.0255 4.1084 −20.0646 155.2288
CMAS, WW −2803.1143 9.7249 −0.6366 −199.3774 2762.8298 7.8227 −16.4551 193.4948
CMAS, Eff −3287.3863 −2.9681 −1.3410 −234.3730 1892.2046 0.9886 −26.2232 131.1708
Combining equations (5) and (9) the penetration probability P can be estimated. Then the empirical value of ν0 for each nucleus can be extracted by the following expression
$\begin{eqnarray}{\nu }_{0}=\displaystyle \frac{\mathrm{ln}2}{{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{expt}.}P},\end{eqnarray}$
where ${T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{expt}.}$ is the experimental half-life of the cluster radioactivity.
Usually, the values of ν0 are calculated by the following classic method
$\begin{eqnarray}{\nu }_{0}=\displaystyle \frac{v}{2R}=\displaystyle \frac{1}{2R}\sqrt{\displaystyle \frac{2{E}_{{\rm{c}}}}{{M}_{{\rm{c}}}}},\end{eqnarray}$
where v is the velocity of the cluster inside a parent nucleus. Ec (Ec = [(AAc)/A]Qc), Ac and Mc represent the kinetic energy, the mass number of the emitted cluster and the atomic mass of the emitted cluster, respectively. Its decimal logarithm form is written as
$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{\nu }_{0}=-{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{({M}_{{\rm{c}}})}^{1/2}+{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{(2{E}_{{\rm{c}}})}^{1/2}-{\mathrm{log}}_{10}2R.\end{eqnarray}$
Because Mc = Acu, here u is the atomic mass unit, based on equation (12) a simple analytic expression for ν0 is expressed as
$\begin{eqnarray}{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{\nu }_{0}={a}^{{\prime} }+{b}^{{\prime} }{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{A}_{c}^{1/2}+{c}^{{\prime} }{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{E}_{c}^{1/2}+{d}^{{\prime} }{\mathrm{log}}_{10}R,\end{eqnarray}$
where the parameters ${a}^{{\prime} }$, ${b}^{{\prime} }$, ${c}^{{\prime} }$, and ${d}^{{\prime} }$ are determined by the following steps: (i) 20 experimental pieces of data of cluster radioactivity are divided into even-even and odd-A subsets, which are taken from [4, 60, 61]. (ii) Using the multiple linear regression, the parameters ${a}^{{\prime} }$, ${b}^{{\prime} }$, ${c}^{{\prime} }$ and ${d}^{{\prime} }$ for each combination of each subset are determined by fitting the empirical ν0 values extracted from equation (10). They are listed in table 1. At last, combining equations (5), (9), and (13), the cluster radioactivity half-life is calculated by equation (8).

3. Results and discussion

Within the IMELDM, the half-lives of ground-state to ground-state cluster radioactivity of 20 nuclei have been calculated by inputting the experimental Qc values and the minimum angular momenta l${}_{\min }$ carried by the emitted clusters. Note that the l${}_{\min }$ values are determined by the spin-parity selection rule. The calculated results are listed in table 2. From table 2, the first three columns indicate the parent nuclei, the emitted clusters and the minimum angular momenta, respectively. The fourth and fifth columns give the experimental Qc values and the decimal logarithms of cluster radioactivity half-lives [4, 60, 61]. The sixth to ninth columns show the calculated cluster radioactivity half-lives for each combination within the ELDM. In the last four columns, the cluster radioactivity half-lives of each combination within the IMELDM are listed. From table 2, it is seen that the results by the IMELDM are closer to the experimental data than those by the ELDM.
Table 2. The experimental and calculated half-lives of the cluster radioactivity of the heavy nuclei. The experimental half-lives and Qc values are taken from [4, 60, 61], whose values are measured in seconds and MeV, respectively.
Parent Emitted l${}_{\min }$ Qc(MeV) log10T1/2 (s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{ELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{IMELDM}}$(s)
WW Eff WW Eff WW Eff WW Eff
Even-even nuclei
222Ra 14C 0 33.05 11.00 12.39 12.24 11.29 11.45 10.78 10.96 10.85 10.91
224Ra 14C 0 30.54 15.92 17.14 16.90 16.00 16.10 15.88 15.83 15.85 15.77
226Ra 14C 0 28.20 21.34 22.20 21.88 21.02 21.06 21.26 21.00 21.14 20.93
228Th 20O 0 44.72 20.72 22.40 22.53 21.22 21.20 21.21 21.51 21.37 21.68
230U 22Ne 0 61.40 19.57 20.95 21.03 19.52 19.36 20.34 20.16 20.28 20.20
230Th 24Ne 0 57.57 24.64 25.45 25.71 24.13 23.91 24.65 24.62 24.63 24.61
232U 24Ne 0 62.31 20.40 20.85 21.27 19.56 19.51 20.24 20.48 20.36 20.65
234U 28Mg 0 74.11 25.74 25.24 25.88 23.87 23.64 25.21 25.03 25.12 24.93
236Pu 28Mg 0 79.67 21.67 20.70 21.55 19.37 19.38 20.85 20.97 20.91 21.07
238Pu 32Si 0 91.19 25.28 24.81 25.98 23.46 23.34 25.64 25.34 25.49 25.13
242Cm 34Si 0 96.51 23.15 22.18 23.84 20.98 21.16 23.37 23.55 23.44 23.56

Odd-A nuclei

221Fr 14C 3 31.29 14.52 14.89 14.71 13.79 13.91 15.00 14.87 14.93 14.82
221Ra 14C 3 32.40 13.39 13.73 13.59 12.64 12.80 13.69 13.74 13.72 13.76
223Ra 14C 4 31.83 15.20 14.78 14.62 13.68 13.83 14.49 14.53 14.51 14.54
225Ac 14C 4 30.48 17.21 18.39 18.18 17.26 17.38 17.65 17.57 17.61 17.53
231Pa 23F 1 51.84 26.02 24.88 25.22 23.69 23.61 24.71 24.86 24.79 24.94
231Pa 24Ne 1 60.42 22.89 22.36 22.71 21.05 20.94 22.73 22.90 22.81 23.00
233U 24Ne 2 60.49 24.84 23.53 23.87 22.20 22.09 23.63 23.79 23.71 23.89
235U 25Ne 1 57.68 27.44 28.60 28.97 27.30 27.10 28.51 28.44 28.48 28.40
235U 28Mg 1 72.43 27.44 27.58 28.13 26.17 25.87 28.55 28.25 28.40 28.07
To further test the agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data, the average deviation $\overline{\sigma }$ and the standard deviation $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$ are calculated by the following expressions
$\begin{eqnarray}\overline{\sigma }=\displaystyle \frac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}\left|{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{expt}.i}-{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{cal}.i}\right|,\end{eqnarray}$
$\begin{eqnarray}\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}={\left[\displaystyle \frac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum _{i=1}^{n}{({\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{expt}.i}-{\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{cal}.i})}^{2}\right]}^{1/2},\end{eqnarray}$
where ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{expt}.}$ and ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{cal}.}$ are the decimal logarithms of the experimental and calculated half-lives of cluster radioactivity, respectively. n is the number of cluster radioactivity events. Then the calculated $\overline{\sigma }$ and $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$ values of each combination of the ELDM and IMELDM are listed in table 3.
Table 3. The average deviation $\overline{\sigma }$ and the standard deviation $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$ between the experimental and calculated half-lives of the cluster radioactivity for each combination of the ELDM and IMELDM.
Combinations ELDM IMELDM
$\overline{\sigma }$ $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$ $\overline{\sigma }$ $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$
VMAS, WW 0.865 0.965 0.522 0.655
VMAS, Eff 0.787 0.919 0.473 0.593
CMAS, WW 1.101 1.397 0.495 0.620
CMAS, Eff 1.165 1.444 0.480 0.579
From table 3, it is seen that the $\overline{\sigma }$ ($\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$) values within the IMELDM are much smaller than those within the ELDM. For each combination, the $\overline{\sigma }$ ($\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$) values within the IMELDM decrease to about 0.50 (0.60) from large $\overline{\sigma }$ ($\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$) values. Especially, for the (CMAS, Eff) combination, the $\overline{\sigma }$ ($\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$) value within the IMELDM decreases to 0.480 (0.579) from 1.165 (1.444), which implies the accuracy of the ELDM increases by 59% (60%). Therefore, the accuracy of the IMELDM becomes much higher than that of the ELDM by introducing more reasonable analytic expressions for R and ν0.
Besides $\overline{\sigma }$ and $\sqrt{\overline{{\sigma }^{2}}}$, the hindrance factor (HF) is usually applied to analyze the deviation between the experimental half-lives and theoretical ones. Its decimal logarithm form is expressed as
Usually, it is believed that if the ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ value is within a factor of 1.0, the calculated half-lives will be in agreement with the experimental data [47, 59, 62]. Within equation (16), the ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ values for the (VMAS, WW), (VMAS, Eff), (CMAS, WW) and (CMAS, Eff) combinations of the ELDM and IMELDM are calculated. The ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ values versus the neutron number N of the parent nuclei are plotted in figure 2. From figure 2, one can see that more ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ values within each combination of the IMELDM fall between -1.0 and 1.0. So the conclusion based on figure 2 is the same as that from table 3.
Figure 2. The ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ values as functions of the neutron number N within four different combinations of the ELDM and IMELDM: (a) (VMAS, WW) combination; (b) (VMAS, Eff) combination; (c) (CMAS, WW) combination; (d) (CMAS, Eff) combination. The solid black star and solid red circle represent the ${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{HF}$ values of the ELDM and IMELDM, respectively.
From the perspective of ν0, we know that the accuracy of the IMELDM depends on the agreement between the empirical ν0 values and the fitting ones. To illustrate why the accuracy of the IMELDM becomes higher, the empirical and fitting ν0 values of the (CMAS, Eff) combination are shown in the last two columns of table 4. From table 4, good agreement between the empirical ν0 values and the fitting ones can be found. As a result, the half-lives estimated from the IMELDM are closer to the experimental data. Moreover, as can be seen from table 4, the log10ν0 values decrease with the increase of the mass of the emitted cluster. In fact, the cluster preformation probability inside a parent nucleus is included in ν0 in the framework of the IMELDM. The heavier the emitted cluster, the smaller the cluster preformation probability inside a parent nucleus. So the heavier cluster has a smaller log10ν0 value naturally. In addition, we know that the ν0 values that do not contain the preformation probabilities can be estimated by equation (11). Thus the cluster preformation probabilities can be estimated by the ratio between the empirical ν0 (fitting ν0) values and the calculated ν0 values within equation (11). By taking 221Ra ⟶ 207Pb + 14C and 231Pa ⟶ 207Tl + 24Ne as examples, we obtain the 14C and 24Ne preformation probabilities, whose values are 7.88 × 10−2 and 3.69 × 10−4, respectively.
Table 4. The empirical values of ν0 extracted by equation (10) and the fitting ones by equation (13) within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the IMELDM.
Parent Emitted l${}_{\min }$ Q${}_{c}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(MeV) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(s) log${}_{10}{{\nu }_{0}}^{\mathrm{equation}}$ (10)(s−1) log${}_{10}{{\nu }_{0}}^{\mathrm{equation}}$ (13)(s−1)
nuclei clusters
222Ra 14C 0 33.05 11.00 21.07 21.19
224Ra 14C 0 30.54 15.92 20.79 20.93
226Ra 14C 0 28.20 21.34 20.33 20.68
228Th 20O 0 44.72 20.72 20.49 19.54
230U 22Ne 0 61.40 19.57 19.37 18.78
230Th 24Ne 0 57.57 24.64 18.97 18.97
232U 24Ne 0 62.31 20.40 18.64 18.39
234U 28Mg 0 74.11 25.74 17.11 17.88
236Pu 28Mg 0 79.67 21.67 16.72 17.31
238Pu 32Si 0 91.19 25.28 16.74 16.84
242Cm 34Si 0 96.51 23.15 16.43 16.07
221Fr 14C 3 31.29 14.52 20.09 19.78
221Ra 14C 3 32.40 13.39 20.03 19.66
223Ra 14C 4 31.83 15.20 19.26 19.92
225Ac 14C 4 30.48 17.21 20.72 20.39
231Pa 23F 1 51.84 26.02 17.35 18.43
231Pa 24Ne 1 60.42 22.89 17.71 17.60
233U 24Ne 2 60.49 24.84 16.79 17.74
235U 25Ne 1 57.68 27.44 19.16 18.20
235U 28Mg 1 72.43 27.44 17.67 17.04
By consulting [4, 60], it is found that for the cluster radioactivity of several heavy nuclei, only the lower limits of the half-lives were measured. Thus, those experimental data constitutes a ground to test the IMELDM. The above discussion suggests the accuracy of the (CMAS, Eff) combination is improved most evidently. So, the (CMAS, Eff) combination is used to calculate the cluster radioactivity half-lives in this case. The experimental half-lives with a lower limit and the calculated half-lives within the ELDM and IMELDM are shown in table 5. From table 5, it can be seen that all the calculated half-lives within the IMELDM are larger than those within the ELDM. For 226Th, 232U and 240Pu, the half-lives within the ELDM and IMELDM are larger than the corresponding experimental lower limits. For 233U, 237Np and 241Am, as can be seen from table 5 the experimental half-lives are not reproduced well within the ELDM. However, the half-lives within the IMELDM are closer to or in agreement with the experimental data compared to those within the ELDM.
Table 5. The calculated half-lives of cluster radioactivity within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the ELDM and IMELDM, for those cases in which the lower limits of the experimental half-lives were measured.
Parent Emitted l${}_{\min }$ Q${}_{c}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(MeV) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{ELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{IMELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(s)
nuclei clusters
226Th 18O 0 45.73 17.67 17.82 >16.76
232U 28Mg 0 74.32 23.55 24.56 >22.64
240Pu 34Si 0 91.06 24.44 26.46 >24.20
233U 28Mg 3 74.23 23.63 26.10 >27.59
237Np 30Mg 2 74.79 25.42 27.32 >27.23
241Am 34Si 2 93.84 22.72 24.82 >24.13
In addition to the experimental data of table 5, from [4, 60] it is found that there exist two kinds of cluster radioactivity for 234,236U, 238Pu and 232Th. For example, 24Ne and 26Ne can be emitted simultaneously from 234U. Although the experimental half-life of each kind of cluster radioactivity has not been determined, the total half-lives or the lower limits of the total half-lives for the two types of cluster radioactivity were given [4, 60]. Thus, these experimental half-lives provide alternative grounds for testing the IMELDM. Generally, the angular momenta l carried by the clusters are selected as 0, being only a weak impact on the cluster radioactivity half-lives [33, 43]. To show the relationship between l and the half-life, the decimal logarithms of half-lives for 221Ra → 207Pb+14C and 231Pa → 207Tl + 24Ne as functions of l are plotted in figure 3. From figure 3, it is seen that the decimal logarithms of half-lives of the two emissions grow by 0.28 and 0.15 when l rises from 0 to 5. So, the cluster radioactivity half-lives are indeed slightly affected by l. For the centrifugal potential, it is a small quantity compared to the Coulomb barrier, the Gamow penetration probability is almost unchanged when the centrifugal potential is taken into account. Thus, l values are selected as 0 in the subsequent calculations. The calculated half-lives within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the ELDM and IMELDM are listed in table 6. In table 6, the parent nuclei and the emitted two types of clusters are listed in the first two columns. The experimental Qc values of each kind of cluster radioactivity are listed in column 3. By inputting the experimental Qc values, the partial half-lives and the total half-lives of the two types of cluster radioactivity are calculated within the ELDM and IMELDM, which are listed in columns 4-7. The experimental total half-lives are listed in the last column. From the last three columns of table 6, it is seen that the experimental total half-lives are reproduced better within the IMELDM than those within the ELDM. Therefore, by the discussion of tables 3-6, we can conclude that the IMELDM is a successful model for estimating the cluster radioactivity half-lives of the heavy nuclei.
Figure 3. For 221Ra → 207Pb + 14C and 231Pa → 207Tl + 24Ne, the decimal logarithm values of the half-lives versus the angular momenta l carried by the emitted clusters within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the IMELDM.
Table 6. The calculated partial half-lives and the total half-lives of two types of clusters from the same parent nucleus within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the ELDM and IMELDM. The experimental half-lives and the Qc values are taken from [4, 60, 61].
Parent Emitted Q${}_{c}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(MeV) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{ELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{IMELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{ELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{IMELDM}}$(s) log${}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{Expt}.}$(s)
nuclei clusters
234U 24Ne 58.83 24.49 25.86 24.42 25.79 25.93
26Ne 59.41 25.22 26.62
236U 28Mg 71.69 26.81 28.27 26.62 28.09 27.58
30Mg 72.51 27.07 28.55
238Pu 28Mg 75.91 23.97 25.90 23.75 25.69 25.66
30Mg 76.79 24.15 26.10
232Th 24Ne 54.67 28.49 29.36 27.98 28.87 >29.20
26Ne 55.91 28.13 29.04
236U 24Ne 55.96 28.98 30.47 28.85 30.35 >25.90
26Ne 56.75 29.43 30.96
Encouraged by the agreement mentioned above, within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the IMELDM we attempt to predict the cluster emission half-lives that have not yet been available. The cluster radioactivity half-lives of 8Be, 12,14C, 15N, 16−20O, 20−26Ne, 24−28Mg, and 30−34Si emitted from the heavy nuclei in the trans-lead region are predicted, which are listed in table 7. We hope these predictions are helpful for searching for new cluster emitters in future experiments.
Table 7. The predicted half-lives of cluster radioactivity within the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the IMELDM. All the Qc values are extracted by the relation: Qc = M(Z, N) − Md(ZZc, NNc) − M(Zc, Nc) and the mass excesses are taken from [61]. “#”means only the empirical mass excesses for the parent and/or daughter nuclei in [61].
Parent Emitted Qc(MeV) log10T1/2(s) Parent Emitted Qc(MeV) log10T1/2(s) Parent Emitted Qc(MeV) log10T1/2(s)
nuclei clusters nuclei clusters nuclei clusters
Even-even nuclei 238Cm 32Si 97.31 21.51 215At 8Be 14.84 13.74
214Rn 8Be 14.52 14.99 238Cm 32Si 97.68 21.11 217At 8Be 13.1 18.91
216Rn 8Be 17.06 7.89 240Cm 32Si 95.39 23.67 215Fr 8Be 15.43 13.55
218Rn 8Be 15 13.90 240Cm 34Si 95.47 24.67 217Fr 8Be 17.63 8.01
218Ra 12C 30.44 12.70 244Cm 34Si 93.14 27.50 219Fr 8Be 15.54 12.75
220Ra 12C 32.02 10.06 Odd-A nuclei 217Fr 12C 28.14 18.49
222Ra 12C 29.05 15.79 215Rn 8Be 16.34 10.54 219Fr 12C 29.65 15.46
220Ra 14C 32.02 12.59 217Rn 8Be 16.33 10.33 221Fr 12C 26.92 20.44
220Ra 15N 33.99 21.65 219Ra 12C 31.85 12.59 219Ac 12C 31.62 13.75
222Ra 15N 35.25 19.31 221Ra 12C 30.58 14.40 221Ac 12C 32.78 11.65
224Ra 15N 32.37 25.41 225Ra 14C 25.2 27.98 223Ac 12C 29.69 16.50
222Th 15N 37.16 18.09 221Ra 15N 35.12 21.45 219Fr 14C 29.65 17.94
224Th 15N 38.15 16.50 223Ra 15N 33.88 23.49 223Fr 14C 24.46 29.13
226Th 15N 34.96 22.60 223Th 15N 38.15 17.95 221Ac 14C 32.78 13.83
222Th 16O 45.73 15.45 225Th 15N 37 19.56 223Ac 14C 29.69 19.10
224Th 16O 46.48 14.50 223Th 16O 46.57 16.76 221Ac 15N 38.21 17.23
226Th 16O 42.66 20.68 225Th 16O 44.66 19.16 223Ac 15N 39.47 15.06
224Th 18O 44.56 19.62 225Th 18O 45.54 19.77 225Ac 15N 36.26 19.91
226Th 18O 45.73 17.86 227Th 18O 44.2 21.55 221Ac 16O 43.08 21.08
228Th 18O 42.28 23.87 227Th 20O 44.46 22.99 223Ac 16O 43.6 20.02
226Th 20O 43.19 24.29 229Th 20O 43.4 24.52 225Ac 16O 40.02 25.53
228Th 20O 44.72 21.68 227U 20Ne 58.54 24.15 223Pa 16O 47.11 16.98
230Th 20O 41.79 27.19 229U 20Ne 55.87 27.58 225Pa 16O 47.34 16.37
226U 20Ne 58.16 22.69 229U 22Ne 61.69 21.34 227Pa 16O 43.43 21.71
228U 20Ne 58.01 23.04 231U 22Ne 59.45 24.00 223Ac 18O 42.43 23.89
230U 20Ne 53.39 30.37 231U 24Ne 62.21 21.79 225Ac 18O 43.45 21.98
228U 22Ne 61.03 20.59 233U 26Ne 58.89 27.56 227Ac 18O 40.28 27.14
232U 22Ne 57.36 26.17 235U 26Ne 58.05 28.58 225Pa 18O 45.18 21.31
232U 26Ne 57.91 28.89 231Pu 24Mg 74.69 25.70 227Pa 18O 45.87 20.00
234U 26Ne 59.41 26.58 233Pu 24Mg 71.6 29.22 229Pa 18O 42.54 25.05
236U 26Ne 56.69 31.10 233Pu 26Mg 78.72 22.04 225Ac 20O 41.66 26.97
230Pu 24Mg 74.65 24.11 235Pu 26Mg 76.01 24.88 227Ac 20O 43.09 24.22
232Pu 24Mg 74.05 24.97 235Pu 28Mg 79.65 21.84 229Ac 20O 40.54 28.57
234Pu 24Mg 69.01 31.96 237Pu 28Mg 77.73 23.78 227Pa 20O 43.09 26.39
232Pu 26Mg 78.36 21.14 237Cm 30Si 96.13 22.43 229Pa 20O 44.36 23.96
234Pu 26Mg 78.31 21.29 239Cm 30Si 93.19 25.19 231Pa 20O 41.49 28.79
236Pu 26Mg 73.84 27.03 239Cm 32Si 97.55 21.63 225Pa 20Ne 55.2 27.94
234Pu 28Mg 79.15 21.61 241Cm 32Si 93.61 25.49 227Pa 20Ne 54.91 28.08
236Cm 30Si 96.07 21.66 241Cm 34Si 96.11 23.73 229Pa 20Ne 50.58 34.69
238Cm 30Si 95.63 22.20 243Cm 34Si 94.75 24.93 227Np 20Ne 59.66 23.82
240Cm 30Si 90.89 27.63 213At 8Be 12.3 22.23 229Np 20Ne 59.08 24.28
231Np 20Ne 54.53 30.52 229Np 24Mg 71.53 28.60 235Am 30Si 92.88 24.76
227Pa 22Ne 58.68 24.45 231Np 24Mg 70.59 29.50 237Am# 30Si 92.04 25.35
229Pa 22Ne 58.96 23.79 233Np 24Mg 65.53 36.25 239Am 30Si 87.47 30.26
231Pa 22Ne 55.09 29.12 231Am# 24Mg 76.4 24.97 237Bk# 30Si 97.68 22.21
229Np 22Ne 61.86 22.25 233Am# 24Mg 75.46 25.74 239Bk# 30Si 96.94 22.63
231Np 22Ne 61.91 21.89 235Am 24Mg 70.42 31.82 241Bk# 30Si 92.32 27.23
233Np 22Ne 57.83 27.18 231Np 26Mg 75.66 24.60 237Am# 32Si 94.47 23.76
229Pa 24Ne 59.67 24.31 233Np 26Mg 75.2 24.86 239Am 32Si 94.5 23.44
233Pa 24Ne 57.09 27.52 235Np 26Mg 70.9 30.04 241Am 32Si 90.66 27.39
231Np 24Ne 61.63 23.71 233Am# 26Mg 79.53 22.37 241Bk# 32Si 98.37 21.83
233Np 24Ne 62.16 22.72 235Am# 26Mg 79.1 22.54 243Bk 32Si 94.63 25.47
235Np 24Ne 58.85 27.07 237Am 26Mg 74.64 27.56 239Am 34Si 93.17 25.83
231Pa 26Ne 56.76 29.83 233Np 28Mg 76.79 24.18 241Am 34Si 93.93 24.71
233Pa 26Ne 58.04 27.60 235Np 28Mg 77.1 23.54 243Am 34Si 90.78 28.01
235Pa 26Ne 55.45 31.44 237Np 28Mg 73.54 27.67 241Bk# 34Si 96.04 25.20
233Np 26Ne 57.52 30.95 235Am 28Mg 79.7 23.02 243Bk 34Si 96.91 23.97
235Np 26Ne 58.82 28.66 237Am# 28Mg 79.85 22.56 245Bk 34Si 93.63 27.32
237Np 26Ne 56.25 32.48 239Am 28Mg 76.27 26.56

4. Conclusions

In this article, the ELDM has been improved by introducing an accurate formula for R and an analytic expression for ν0, which is called the IMELDM in the article. Within the IMELDM, the experimental cluster radioactivity half-lives of 20 nuclei in the trans-lead region are calculated. It is shown that the accuracy of the IMELDM becomes much higher than that of the ELDM. Next, the IMELDM has been tested by the experimental cluster radioactivity half-lives with lower limits and the experimental total half-lives with two types of cluster radioactivity from the same parent nuclei. It indicates that the IMELDM is a successful model for studying the cluster radioactivity of the heavy nuclei. Then, the (CMAS, Eff) combination of the IMELDM is adopted to predict the cluster radioactivity half-lives of the heavy nuclei in the trans-lead region. These predictions may be helpful for searching for new candidates for cluster radioactivity in future experiments. Finally, it is necessary to point out that the proton radioactivity is an important decay mode for the extremely proton-rich nuclei [51, 52, 62-66]. So it is interesting to extend our approach to study the proton radioactivity, which is underway.

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. U1832120 and 11675265); S&T Program of Hebei (Grant No. 236Z4601G); Scientific Research Foundation for the Introducing Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars of Hebei Province (Grant No. C20230360); Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Young Scholars of Hebei Province (Grant No. A2020210012); Natural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (Grant No. A2021210010); Key Laboratory of High Precision Nuclear Spectroscopy, Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (Grant No. IMPKFKT2021002) and Key Project of Natural Science Foundation for Basic Discipline Research of Hebei Province (Grant No. A2023210064).

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