1. Introduction
2. Instability analysis
3. Growth rate analysis and numerical results
a. Compton regime
Figure 1. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Compton regime as a function of the normalized wave number of low-frequency wave (${k}_{z}/{k}_{0z}$) for different density modulation parameters ${\rm{\Delta }}=0$(black curve), ${\rm{\Delta }}=0.5$ (red curve) and ${\rm{\Delta }}=1$ (blue curve). The other parameters are ${\omega }_{0}\approx 10{\omega }_{p},$ ${\omega }_{pb}=0.2{\omega }_{p},$ ${n}_{e}\approx {10}^{18}\,{{\rm{cm}}}^{-3},$ ${k}_{0z}c/{\omega }_{0}=3,$ ${\upsilon }_{0b}^{0}=0.1c$ and ${\upsilon }_{0}=0.2c$. |
Figure 2. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Compton regime as a function of the density modulation parameter (${\rm{\Delta }}$) for different electron beam densities ${\omega }_{pb}=0.1{\omega }_{p}$ (black curve), ${\omega }_{pb}=0.2{\omega }_{p}$ (red curve) and ${\omega }_{pb}=0.3{\omega }_{p}$ (blue curve). The other parameters are ${\omega }_{0}\approx 10{\omega }_{p},$ ${n}_{e}\approx {10}^{18}\,{{\rm{cm}}}^{-3},$ ${k}_{z}/{k}_{0z}=0.4,$ ${k}_{0z}c/{\omega }_{0}=3,$ ${\upsilon }_{0b}^{0}=0.1c$ and ${\upsilon }_{0}=0.2c$. |
Figure 3. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Compton regime as a function of the normalized oscillatory velocity (${\upsilon }_{0}/c$) for different density modulation parameter ${\rm{\Delta }}=0$ (black curve), ${\rm{\Delta }}=0.5$ (red curve) and ${\rm{\Delta }}=1$ (blue curve). The other parameters are ${\omega }_{0}\approx 10{\omega }_{p},$ ${\omega }_{pb}=0.2{\omega }_{p},$ ${n}_{e}\approx {10}^{18}\,{{\rm{cm}}}^{-3},$ ${k}_{0z}c/{\omega }_{0}=3,$ ${\upsilon }_{0b}^{0}=0.1c$ and ${k}_{z}/{k}_{0z}=0.4$. |
b. Raman regime
Figure 4. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Raman regime as a function of the density modulation parameter (${\rm{\Delta }}$) for different electron beam density ${\omega }_{pb}=0.4{\omega }_{p}$ (black curve), ${\omega }_{pb}=0.5{\omega }_{p}$ (red curve) and ${\omega }_{pb}=0.6{\omega }_{p}$ (blue curve). The other parameters are ${\omega }_{0}\approx 10{\omega }_{p},$ ${n}_{e}\approx {10}^{18}\,{{\rm{cm}}}^{-3},$ ${k}_{z}/{k}_{0z}=0.4,$ ${k}_{0z}c/{\omega }_{0}=3,$ ${\upsilon }_{0b}^{0}=0.1c$ and ${\upsilon }_{0}=0.2c$. |
Figure 5. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Raman regime as a function of the normalized wave number of the low-frequency wave (${k}_{z}/{k}_{0z}$) for different density modulation parameters ${\rm{\Delta }}=0$ (black curve), ${\rm{\Delta }}=0.5$ (red curve) and ${\rm{\Delta }}=1$ (blue curve). The other parameters are ${\omega }_{0}\approx 10{\omega }_{p},$ ${\omega }_{pb}=0.5{\omega }_{p},$ ${n}_{e}\approx {10}^{18}\,{{\rm{cm}}}^{-3},$ ${k}_{0z}c/{\omega }_{0}=3,$ ${\upsilon }_{0b}^{0}=0.1c$ and ${\upsilon }_{0}=0.2c$. |
Figure 6. Normalized growth rate ($G/{\omega }_{p}$) of stimulated Raman scattering in the Raman regime as a function of the normalized oscillatory velocity (${\upsilon }_{0}/c$) for different density modulation parameters ${\rm{\Delta }}=0$ (black curve), ${\rm{\Delta }}=0.5$ (red curve) and ${\rm{\Delta }}=1$ (blue curve). |