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Interactions of Lump and Solitons to Generalized (2+1)-Dimensional Ito Systems*
Xuan Du,Sen-Yue Lou
Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2019, 71(6): 633-639.   DOI: 10.1088/0253-6102/71/6/633

Fig.1 (Color online) The exhibition of the lump solution to $(2+1)$-dimensional Ito equation. (a) shows the lump structure at $t=0$. (b) is the projective density plot of $u$ at $t=0$. (c) shows the lump solution is moving along the straight line with a constant speed at different $t=-60$, $t=0$, and $t=60$. (d) shows the wave height in $y=0$ for $t=0$ in red, $t=-5$ in green, and $t=5$ in the blue.
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