Magnetic Properties of an Antiferromagnetic Spin-1/2 XYZ Model in the Presence of Different Magnetic Fields: Finite-Size Effects of Inhomogeneity Property*
Hamid Arian Zad,Azam Zoshki,Moones Sabeti
Fig. 3 (Color online) Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility as functions of the longitudinal magnetic field $B_z/J_z$ for several fixed values of the transverse field $B_x/J_z$ at low temperature $(T=0.1J_z)$ and finite angle $\theta={\pi}/{30}$. Inhomogeneous property is considered for all applied magnetic fields such that; $b_z=0.6J_z$, $b_x=0.3J_z$, and $\lambda=J_z$. Coupling constants have been set as Fig. 2. Figures 3(a) and 3(c) are associated to the chain with finite length $N=6$; panels (b) and (d) correspond to that of the length $N=10$. Insets show the corresponding magnetization and magnetic susceptibility curves for higher transverse staggered field $B_x/J_z$ by setting $\theta={\pi}/{10}$.