The Phase Sensitivities for Different Phase-Shift Configurations in an SU(1,1) Interferometer*
Fan Wang,Wei Zhong,Lan Zhou,Yu-Bo Sheng
Fig. 7 (Color online) Log-plots of phase sensitivities with the existence of internal loss and external loss. (a), (b) Phase sensitivity $\Delta\theta_{{L}}^{{{A}}}$ as a function of $\theta$ in one-arm case. Different color curves represent different values of $T_{1}$ or $T_{2}$. (c), (d) Phase sensitivity $\Delta\theta_{{L}}^{{{B}}}$ as a function of $\theta$ in two-arm case. The SNL is gray line and HL is purple line. The QCRB is presented by black line. The parameters are as follows: $s=2$, $r=2.5$ and $\alpha=\sinh r$.