Local Energy Dissipation/Transition in Field Effect Molecular Nanoelectronic Systems: a Quantum Mechanical Methodology
Reza Safari,Hassan Sabzyan
Fig. 6 (Color online) (a) The total intra-molecular Joule-like, Peltier-like and Thomson-like heat fluxes, ${\rm { J}}_{\rm tot} (S_{\rm DL}, S_{\rm DR} )={\rm { J}}_{{\rm elec}} (S_{\rm DL}, S_{\rm DR} )+{\rm { J}}_{\rm vib} (S_{\rm DL}, S_{\rm DR} )$, calculated at different EF strengths, for diagonal IMTLSs calculated for the E-M$_{1}$-E device. The electronic (b), $Q_{{\rm elec}}^{\rm TL} (S_{i},S_{j} )$, and vibrational (c), $Q_{\rm vib}^{\rm TL} (S_{i}, S_{j} )$, intra-molecular Thomson-like heatings of the parallel, L-R$(S_{\rm L},S_{\rm R} )$, perpendicular, U-D$(S_{\rm U},S_{\rm D} )$, and diagonal, DL-DR$(S_{\rm DL},S_{\rm DR} )$, IMTLSs of the E-M$_{1}$-E device (Fig. 1). All values are normalized to the corresponding largest values set at 100.