Dynamics of Quantum Coherence in Bell-Diagonal States under Markovian Channels
Yao-Kun Wang,Shao-Ming Fei,Zhi-Xi Wang
Fig.6 (Color online) For Bell-diagonal state $c_{1}=0.3, c_{2}=-0.4, c_{3}=0.56$:(a) Relative entropy of coherence under the bit-flip channel and phase-flip channel as a function of $p$ and $q$ (Cbf-pf). (b) Relative entropy of coherence under the bit-flip channel and bit-phase-flip channel as a function of $p$ and $q$ (Cbf-bpf).(c) Relative entropy of coherence under the phase-flip channel and bit-phase-flip channel as a function of $p$ and $q$ (Cpf-bpf).