Multiple-Photon-Added and -Subtracted Two-Mode Binomial States:Nonclassicality and Entanglement *
Kai-Cai Li,Xiang-Guo Meng,Ji-Suo Wang
Fig. 3 (Color online) Negative volume $\Delta_{s,a}$ of the WF $\mathcal{W}_{s,a}$ for the state $\left \vert \xi \right \rangle _{s,a}$ for a give value of $q=5$ and different values of ($m,n$), where $(0,0),(2,0),(3,0),(0,2),(0,3),(2,2),(3,3)$ respectively refer to the black solid, red dashed, green dotted, blue dash-dotted, cyan dash-dot-dotted, magenta short-dashed, yellow short-dotted lines.