Doubly Excited 1,3Fe States of Two-Electron Atoms under Weakly Coupled Plasma Environment *
S. Dutta,J. K. Saha,S. Bhattacharyya,T. K. Mukherjee
Table 2 Variation of energy eigenvalues (-E) for the 2pnf (n = 4-6)1,3 Fe states of He and 2s, 2p states of He+ w.r.t. the Debye screening length (D). All quantities are given in a.u.
D 1Fe 3Fe He+(2s) He+(2p)
2p4f 2p5f 2p6f 2p4f 2p5f 2p6f
100 0.503 055 0.492 022 0.486 401 0.503 047 0.492 017 0.486 397 0.480 296 0.480 247
0.502 956a 0.491 928a 0.486 314 5a 0.502 952a 0.491 925 5a 0.486 313a
0.503 060 68b 0.503 052 113b
90 0.499 965 0.489 058 0.483 572 0.499 957 0.489 052 0.483 569 0.478 143 0.478 083
80 0.496 136 0.485 400 0.480 100 0.496 128 0.485 394 0.480 097 0.475 462 0.475 386
70 0.491 267 0.480 775 0.475 736 0.491 259 0.480 770 0.475 733 0.472 031 0.471 932
0.491 074a 0.480 599 5a 0.475 583 5a 0.491 070 5a 0.480 597a 0.475 580 5a
60 0.484 869 0.474 742 0.470 087 0.484 862 0.474 737 0.470 085 0.467 484 0.467 350
50 0.476 090 0.466 543 0.462 494 0.476 083 0.466 539 0.462 493 0.461 173 0.460 981
0.475 737 5a 0.466 241 5a 0.462 223 5a 0.475 733 5a 0.466 237a 0.462 197a
0.476 090 624b 0.476 087 092b
40 0.463 300 0.454 773 0.451 782 0.463 293 0.454 770 0.451 781 0.451 823 0.451 525
0.462 784a 0.454 351a 0.462 78a 0.454 334a
30 0.442 973 0.436 545 0.435 913 0.442 968 0.436 543 0.435 913 0.436 545 0.436 025
0.442 158 5a 0.442 148 5a
20 0.406 087 0.405 856 0.405 709 0.406 086 0.405 856 0.405 709 0.407 104 0.405 970
0.406 087 6b 0.406 087 1b
10 0.322 848 0.322 699 0.321 485 0.322 848 0.322 699 0.321 485 0.327 085 0.322 761