The possible electromagnetic counterparts of the first high-probability NSBH merger LIGO/Virgo S190814bv
Hao Wei,Minzi Feng
Table 2. The GRBOX GRBs in the area defined by equation (5) before 14 September 2015, with T90 < 5 s (or n/a) and error radius >Δθ. These results are for case (I). See the text for details.
GRB name | T90 | RA | DEC | Error radius | Δt | θ | Δθ (NE2001) | Δθ (YMW16) |
(yymmddx) | (s) | (J2000, deg) | (J2000, deg) | (deg) | (year) | (deg) | (deg) | (deg) |
090108B | 0.8 | 3.75 | −32.2 | 6.4 | 10.597 | 8.790 | 0.619 | 2.825 | 081213 | n/a | 25.5 | −35.3 | 12.5 | 10.669 | 17.163 | 8.964 | 11.178 | 100415A | n/a | 7.7 | −16.46 | ∼2 | 9.333 | 8.736 | 1.069 | 3.139 | 090426B | 3.8 | 17.5 | −19.2 | 18.1 | 10.302 | 9.391 | 1.334 | 3.510 |