The possible electromagnetic counterparts of the first high-probability NSBH merger LIGO/Virgo S190814bv
Hao Wei,Minzi Feng
Table 3. The Fermi GBM short GRBs probably associated with the real NSBH merger ‘S’ corresponding to LIGO/Virgo S190814bv. We classify them as ‘Gold’ candidates or ‘Silver’ candidates. Note that some of these GRBs have not been reported in GCN, but can be found in the published Fermi GBM GRB Catalog [52, 53]. These results are for cases (II) and (III), and hence the separate angles θ are different from the ones in table 1 for case (I). See the text for details.
GRB name | GRB name | RA | DEC | Error | T90 | Δt | θ | Candidate |
(GRByymmddfff) | (GRByymmddx) | (J2000, hms) | (J2000, dms) | radius (deg) | (s) | (year) | (deg) | (G/S) |
GRB100107074 | GRB100107A | 00:25:14.4 | −21:14:24 | 5.97 | 0.576 ± 0.465 | 9.601 | 7.093 | Gold | GRB141122087 | | 00:38:50.4 | −20:01:12 | 10.90 | 1.280 ± 0.945 | 4.728 | 5.923 | Gold |
| GRB081213173 | GRB081213 | 00:51:36.0 | −33:54:00 | 13.20 | 0.256 ± 0.286 | 10.669 | 8.620 | Silver | GRB140109877 | | 01:36:21.6 | −25:03:00 | 37.45 | 3.328 ± 2.560 | 5.593 | 10.348 | Silver | GRB120926753 | | 01:38:26.4 | −45:34:48 | 21.32 | 3.072 ± 2.064 | 6.881 | 22.455 | Silver |