Out-of-time-order correlators in the one-dimensional XY model
Jia-Hui Bao,Cheng-Yong Zhang
Table 1. Summary of early-time power law growth of OTOCs with both local and nonlocal operators in the XY model.
| (1, 1) | (0, 1) | (1, 0) | (0, 0) |
Cxx | t4l+2 | ${t}^{2l+1+{\left(-1\right)}^{l}}$ | — | ${t}^{2l+1+{(-1)}^{l}}$ | Cxy | t4l | ${t}^{2l+1-{(-1)}^{l}}$ | — | ${t}^{2l+1-{(-1)}^{l}}$ | Cyy | t4l − 2 | ${t}^{2l+1+{(-1)}^{l}}$ | — | ${t}^{2l+1+{(-1)}^{l}}$ | Cxz | t4l | t2l | — | t2l | Cyz | t4l − 2 | t2l | — | t2l | Czz | t4l − 2 | t2l | t0(l = 1) | t2l |