High-fidelity quantum state transfer through a dissipative quantum data bus |
Wen-Zhi Huang,Yu-Zhen He,Bing Chen |
Figure 3. (a) Coupling strengths JA and JB as a function of time. JA is the dashed line and JB is the solid line. (b) Adiabaticity ${{ \mathcal A }}_{1}\left(t\right){t}_{\max }$ as a function of time t. Parameters of the calculations are $N=5,{J}_{1}={J}_{2}=10{J}_{0}$. (c) Adiabaticity ${{ \mathcal A }}_{\max }\left(t\right){t}_{\max }$ as a function of ${J}_{1}/{J}_{0}$ for N = 5 and three values of J2. The adiabaticity grows approximately linearly with coupling strength ${J}_{1}/{J}_{0}$. The bigger the J2 is, the smaller the growth rate is. |