Numerical approach for the evolution of spin-boson systems and its application to the Buck–Sukumar model
Xue-Ying Liu,Xue-Zao Ren,Chen Wang,Xian-Long Gao,Ke-Lin Wang
Figure 1. Evolutions of (a) mean photon number $\langle \hat{n}\rangle $ and (b) atomic inversion $\langle {\hat{\sigma }}_{z}\rangle $ in the BS model with RWA. The initial state is the coherent state $| t=0\rangle =| {\alpha }_{+},g\rangle +| {\alpha }_{-},e\rangle $ with α = 5 in the BS model when g+=0 at resonance ωf = ω0 = 1. The coupling strength is g = 0.1ωf . For comparison, the results of equations (11)–(15) (black line) and the TEEE method (blue points) are also plotted.