Asymmetric twin-field quantum key distribution with both statistical and intensity fluctuations
Shao-Fu He(何少甫),Yang Wang(汪洋),Jia-Ji Li(李家骥),Wan-Su Bao(鲍皖苏)
Figure 1. Secret key rate as a function of the overall loss between Alice and Bob with symmetrical and asymmetrical losses. (a) The loss between Alice and Charlie is the same as Bob’s side. (b) The loss between Alice and Charlie is always 10 dB larger than the loss between Bob and Charlie. The total amount of signal pulses are set to $N={10}^{14}$. In both (a) and (b), the intensity fluctuation magnitudes of Alice’s and Bob’s photon sources are set to 30%, 20% and 10% (curves from left to right). The dashed line characterizes the case with no intensity fluctuations.