Asymmetric twin-field quantum key distribution with both statistical and intensity fluctuations |
Shao-Fu He(何少甫),Yang Wang(汪洋),Jia-Ji Li(李家骥),Wan-Su Bao(鲍皖苏) |
Figure 2. Secret key rate in logarithmic scale as a function of the overall loss between Alice and Bob with different amount of total signal pulses. In this plot, the loss between Alice and Charlie is always 5 dB larger than the loss between Bob and Charlie. The intensity fluctuation magnitudes of Alice’s and Bob’s photon sources are set to 10%. The aggregate amount of photon pulses are set to ${10}^{11}$, ${10}^{12}$, ${10}^{13}$ and ${10}^{14}$ (dashed curves from left to right). The solid curve represents the case with infinite signal pulses. |