Ab initio calculation of the ground and first excited states of the lithium dimer
JianJun Qi,YuYao Bai,QianQian Guo,Yong-Chang Han,Maksim B Shundalau
Table 2. Equilibrium bond lengths Re (Å), potential well depth De (cm−1) and spectroscopic constants (cm−1) for the ground state ${\rm{X}}{}^{{\rm{1}}}{\rm{\Sigma }}_{g}^{+}$ of Li2.
AV5Z2.69748428.089347.92510.661 042.49320.006 956
Exp. [21]2.67348549.473351.422 950.668 242.4417
Exp. [30]2.6738549.473351.40.6732.610.0068
Theory [18]2.6588613352.41
Theory [34]2.6608510353.0
Theory [35]2.6758466351.01
Theory [19]2.7527856.64352.500.6752.70
Theory [14]2.6778466351.0
Theory [38]2.6778065.541351.90.6712.560.0073
Theory [39]2.71467307.38327.500.668 242.651 470.006 50
Theory [33]2.6928297347.13.6