Ab initio calculation of the ground and first excited states of the lithium dimer
JianJun Qi,YuYao Bai,QianQian Guo,Yong-Chang Han,Maksim B Shundalau
Table 3. Equilibrium bond lengths Re (Å), potential well depth De (cm−1) and spectroscopic constants (cm−1) for the state ${\rm{A}}{}^{{\rm{1}}}{\rm{\Sigma }}_{u}^{+}$ of Li2.
AV5Z3.1429291.0809253.7040.4871.5110.005 02
Exp. [32]3.1089353.6079255.470.4981.5810.005 48
Theory [36]3.1339366.5127251.970.4901.6230.005 35
Theory [34]3.0949466257.4
Theory [33]3.1392992541.7
Theory [40]3.0729651.226261.31.77
Theory [14]3.1129356255
Theory [18]3.0929483257.54