The vacancy defects and oxygen atoms occupation effects on mechanical and electronic properties of Mo5Si3 silicides
Jiaying Chen,Xudong Zhang,Linmei Yang,Feng Wang
Table 1. Calculated lattice parameters, a, b and c (Å), vacancy formation energies, Eƒ (eV) and formation enthalpies ΔH (kJ mol−1) of Mo5Si3 with four different vacancies.
| Method | a | b | c | Eƒ | ΔH |
Mo5Si3 | GGA | 9.690 | 9.690 | 4.942 | | −35.48 | | Expa | 9.660 | 9.660 | 4.940 | | | | Theob | 9.670 | 9.670 | 4.938 | | −36.98 | Mo−Va1 | GGA | 9.637 | 9.681 | 4.935 | −0.826 | −35.12 | Mo−Va2 | GGA | 9.679 | 9.638 | 4.935 | −0.838 | −35.86 | Si–Va1 | GGA | 9.642 | 9.642 | 4.942 | −0.785 | −35.23 | Si–Va2 | GGA | 9.640 | 9.640 | 4.930 | −0.721 | −35.87 |