Proton radioactivity within the generalized liquid drop model with various versions of proximity potentials
Yu-Qi Xin,Jun-Gang Deng,Hong-Fei Zhang
Table 2. The logarithmic values of the proton radioactive half-lives derived when the proximity potential Prox.77-13 is applied to the GLDM, together with the corresponding results when the original version of the proximity potential is used. Elements with upper prefixes 'm'and 'n'represent the order of the excited isomeric states. '()'denotes the spin and/or parity is indeterminate. '#'means these values are estimated from the tendency of neighboring nuclides having the same Z and N parities. The experimental half-lives, spin/parity, and the proton radioactivity energies of the spherical proton emitters are taken from the NUBASE2016 [49]. All proton radioactivity half-lives and energies are in units of 's'and 'MeV’.
ProtonDaughter${j}_{p}^{\pi }$${j}_{d}^{\pi }$Qp${l}_{\min }$${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\exp }$${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{77-13}$${\mathrm{log}}_{10}{T}_{1/2}^{\mathrm{Ori}}$
145Tm144Er(11/2)0+1.7415−5.498 94−6.024 20−6.088 03
146Tm145Er(1+)1/2+#0.8910−0.809 67−0.744 90−0.833 77
146mTm145Er(5)1/2+#l.2015−1.124 94−1.365 37−1.429 20
147Tm146Er11/20+1.05950.572 870.406 400.341 77
147mTm146Er3/2+0+1.1202−3.443 70−3.322 00−3.405 65
150mLu149Yb(1+, 2+)(1/2+)1.2912−4.397 94−4.683 97−4.762 38
151mLu150Yb(3/2+)0+1.2912−4.782 52−4.693 05−4.772 86
155Ta154Hf(11/2)0+1.4515−2.494 85−2.930 10−2.989 59
156Ta155Hf(2)7/2#1.0212−0.826 81−0.726 51−0.802 13
156mTa155Hf(9+)7/2#1.11150.923 760.830 100.770 23
157Ta156Hf1/2+0+0.9410−0.528 71−0.211 58−0.294 78
160Re159W(4)7/2#1.2710−3.163 68−4.121 50−4.199 74
161Re160W1/2+0+1.2010−3.356 55−3.310 40−3.389 68
161mRe160W11/20+1.3215−0.679 85−1.174 20−1.232 43
165mIr164Os(11/2)0+1.7215−3.429 46−4.294 27−4.350 21
166Ir165Os(2)(7/2)1.1612−0.841 64−1.484 46−1.554 32
166mIr165Os(9+)(7/2)1.3315−0.090 44−0.792 18−0.848 35
167Ir166Os1/2+0+1.0710−1.127 84−0.965 68−1.042 01
167mIr166Os11/20+1.24650.778 150.175 670.118 72
170Au169Pt(2)(7/2)1.4712−3.488 12−4.386 11−4.452 73
170mAu169Pt(9+)(7/2)1.7515−2.974 69−4.109 69−4.163 58
171Au170Pt(1/2+)0+1.4480−4.651 70−4.879 26−4.952 22
171mAu170Pt11/20+1.7025−2.586 70−3.740 66−3.795 34
176Tl175Hg(3, 4, 5)(7/2)1.2610−2.207 61−2.306 56−2.375 19
177Tl176Hg(1/2+)0+1.1550−1.178 49−0.929 37−0.998 74
177mTl176Hg(11/2)0+1.9625−3.459 67−5.190 03−5.246 75
185mBi184Pb1/2+0+1.6070−4.191 79−5.352 62−5.423 39