Non-similar mixed convection analysis for magnetic flow of second-grade nanofluid over a vertically stretching sheet
Ammarah Raees,Umer Farooq,Muzamil Hussain,Waseem Asghar Khan,Fozia Bashir Farooq
Table 3. The local Nusselt number $R{e}_{x}^{-\tfrac{1}{2}}N{u}_{x}$ for various parameters.
$M$$\alpha $$\xi $$\lambda $$N$${N}_{b}$${N}_{t}$${S}_{c}$$Pr$$-R{e}_{x}^{-\tfrac{1}{2}}N{u}_{x}$
420.0150. 954 9335
420.0150. 707 1600
420.0150. 955 6961
420.0150. 384 2125
440.01520.20.5170.235 524 6848
440.01520.30.5170.206 545 0969
440.01520.40.5170.191 251 8247
440.01520.60.5170.165 460 3569
440.01510.10.20.1100.255 267 7573
440.015140.40.1100.293 119 1975
440.015140.60.1100.302 495 9839
440.015140.80.1100.308 375 4409