Modeling the COVID-19 epidemic and awareness diffusion on multiplex networks
Le He,Linhe Zhu
Figure 9. The ratio of the recovered (ρR) in the stationary state varies with the parameters τ1, τ2 in the two-layer dynamic network. In panel (a), the parameter $\delta$ is set as 0.1. In panel (b), the parameter $\delta$ is set as 0.5. Other parameters are set as follows: δ = 0.4, β1 = 0.2, β2 = 0.2, β3 = 0.25, γ = 0.5, $\alpha$1 = 0.2, $\alpha$2 = 0.5, v1 = 0.4, v2 = 0.1, $\mu$ = 0.4.