Deposition pattern of drying droplets
Xiuyuan Yang,Zechao Jiang,Peihan Lyu,Zhaoyu Ding,Xingkun Man
Figure 10. (a) is the sketch map of the influence of the existence of asymmetric evaporation rate Je in the evaporation-induced fluid flow inside the droplet. (b), (c) and (d) are the asymmetric deposition patterns calculated by the MC simulation. (b) Fan-like deposition is obtained when kcl = 0 and an asymmetric volcano-like deposition pattern is obtained when kcl = 10. (c) Eclipse-like deposition pattern is obtained when kcl = 50. For all the calculations θe = θ0 = 0.2, Δt/τev = 10−5, kev = 0.001 and Je = 0.3. Adapted with permission from [69]. Copyright (2020) the American Chemical Society.