Deposition pattern of drying droplets
Xiuyuan Yang,Zechao Jiang,Peihan Lyu,Zhaoyu Ding,Xingkun Man
Figure 7. (a) and (b) are the profile of the deposits left on the substrate when the drying is completed. Transition from coffee-ring to volcano-like and then mountain-like pattern induced by changing the value of kcl from 100 to 0. (a) The case of a fast evaporation rate characterized by kev = 1 and (b) the case where the evaporation rate is small with kev = 10−3. For both cases, θe = θ0 = 0.2 and Δt/τev = 10−5. (c) Sketch map of the transition from coffee-ring to mountain-like pattern. Reprinted figure with permission from [64]. Copyright (2020) the American Physical Society.