Deposition pattern of drying droplets |
Xiuyuan Yang,Zechao Jiang,Peihan Lyu,Zhaoyu Ding,Xingkun Man |
Figure 7. (a) and (b) are the profile of the deposits left on the substrate when the drying is completed. Transition from coffee-ring to volcano-like and then mountain-like pattern induced by changing the value of kcl from 100 to 0. (a) The case of a fast evaporation rate characterized by kev = 1 and (b) the case where the evaporation rate is small with kev = 10−3. For both cases, θe = θ0 = 0.2 and Δt/τev = 10−5. (c) Sketch map of the transition from coffee-ring to mountain-like pattern. Reprinted figure with permission from [ |