Figure 4. Comparison of the numerical and analytical results. (a) V versus $\tfrac{{G}_{1}}{{G}_{2}}$. The blue, green, red lines are for different G2 = 0.05ωm, 0.8ωm, 0.3ωm. The thermal phonon number is nth = 5. (b) V versus G2. All the sold lines are the analytical results, while the dots and dashed curves are numerical results. The blue, green, red lines denote nth = 0, nth = 10, nth = 30, respectively. Other parameters: δ = 0.01ωm, γ1 = γ2 = 10−5ωm, κc = 5ωm, Δ1 = −Δ2 = 2ωm, κ1 = κ2 = κ = 0.2ωm, J1 = J2 = 5ωm.