Balanced biosynthesis and trigger threshold resulting in a double adder mechanism of cell size control
Leilei Li
Figure 10. The Pearson correlation coefficients and the slopes between birth size and added size when division protein degradation rate is zero or not zero, and cells have an auto-inhibition mechanism. Parameters of the dynamics systems are k = 3000 h−1, Σ = 3 ∗ 10−5 μm3 h−1, KD = [200/(200 + d)] ∗ 10−11 h−1, KI = 7 ∗ 10−12 h−1, dR = dQ = dT = 0.1hr−1, and the other parameters of the model are shown in the table 1. (a) The degradation rate of division protein dD is 0. Cells represent adder property. (b) The degradation rate of division protein dD is 1hr−1. Cells slightly deviate from adder property to sizer property.