The interplay of diffusion and heterogeneity in nucleation of the networked Ising model
Chuansheng Shen,Hanshuang Chen
Figure 6. Average number of nucleating clusters ⟨Ncluster⟩ as a function of the order parameter λ for different topology networks with and without activity. ⟨ · ⟩ represents averaging over the ensemble at each interface. (a) Regular circular network WS(0), inset: same plot for the number of nucleating clusters zoomed into small values of λ at the very early nucleation process, (b) Small world network WS(0.1), (c) random network WS(1), and (d) BASF network. The color coding is the same for the number of nucleating clusters with respect to the active and inactive model. Other parameters are the same as in figure 2.