Consistency of optimizing finite-time Carnot engines with the low-dissipation model in the two-level atomic heat engine
Yu-Han Ma,C P Sun,Hui Dong
Figure 6. Efficiency at the maximum power ηMP (orange solid line) of the heat engine as the function of the Carnot efficiency ηC in the low-temperature regime with Th = 0.05. (a) ${\omega }_{{\rm{h}}}^{{\rm{f}}}=0.6$ and (b) ${\omega }_{{\rm{h}}}^{{\rm{f}}}=0.9$. The black dashed line (black dash-dotted line) represents the upper bound η+ (lower bound η) of EMP obtained with the low-dissipation model [equation (4)], and the Carnot efficiency ηC is plotted with the black dotted line. The gray area represents the low-dissipation regime predicted by equation (B7). The other parameters in this figure are chosen as ${\omega }_{{\rm{h}}}^{{\rm{i}}}=1$ and γh = 1.